Thursday, September 13, 2012

Siberian Tiger

One of my favorite things to paint is animals. I love bringing life to my canvas.

14in x 11in oils on canvas.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Green Apple

Here is my most recent painting. Since I haven't painted for quite sometime I wanted to start out with a simple shape. I needed to get back into the whole feel of the oil paints with mixing and shading and what better way to do that then to paint an apple. This is 14in x 11in oils on canvas framed with a simple black frame.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Teeny Weeny

Teeny Weeny isn't so teeny on this 11inx14in stretched canvas. This is another daylily of mine. I took this photo last fall and I have dozens more daylily photos to paint from.

I know its been a very long time since the last painting. Several people have asked me if i'm still painting. With working overtime and dealing with swing shifts at my new job it's very hard to find anytime to paint. Who knows when I'll get around to painting again. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I painted this from a photo I took of one of many daylilies growing in my garden. Daylilies are one of my favorite flowers they come in all shapes, sizes and colors. My mom got me hooked on growing these beauties. Between my mom and my grandmother I now have quite the collection. I enjoy walking around my yard to see what is blooming. This daylily is one I don't have a label for and I'm not sure what it's name is. I would like to give this painting a better name so mom or grandma when you view this will you let me know what this daylily is called so I can give this painting a proper name. So anyway, before I started this painting I went out to take more photos of the flowers in bloom for future paintings. I've attempted to paint flowers in the past and was never successful at it. So last night I took on this challenge (again) hoping for the best. With the collection of photos I've taken of these daylilies I think it will make a great painting series.
10in x 10in oils on canvas.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kiwi and Kitchenware

This is my third painting in my café series. I bought some new more expensive brushes before I painted this and what a world of difference it makes.

I also wanted to update everyone on the Oil Heritage Art Show. I entered two paintings (Fountain Park and Delicious Apples) into this show. The artist reception was on Monday, July 21 and the painting Fountain Park won 2nd place in the intermediate category for oil painting, and Delicious Apples won 1st place in intermediate. I was shocked! I didn't expect to really win anything, but it was very rewarding to see those ribbons on my paintings.

10inx10in oils on canvas.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Coffee Mug

Wow! Two paintings in one week a new record for me. If your interested in buying this painting or the Tea Time painting email me. I currently do not have these listed for sale on my website yet.
6in x 8in oils on a cotton panel

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tea Time

This is the first painting for my café series. I have found that still life painting is one of my favorite things to paint, and you will see more of them here in the future.
Recently I ordered a sample pack of Raymar panels these are the best thing for painting on that I have found. The paint flows so much easier than a normal stretched canvas. I am very impressed!
6inx8in oils on a linen panel.
Pricing info to come later.